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Showing posts from November, 2021

ট্রাভেলারস অফ বাংলাদেশের সাথে সেন্ট মারটিন পরিচ্ছন্নতা অভিযান ২০২১

Last couple of days were educative, eye-opening and lifesaving! Words might fall short if I try to describe it in writing! This was truly an amazing experience. Where's Ivan's been lucky enough to get the opportunity to join the Saint Martin Cleanup & Awareness Raising Campaign with an aim to remove 'as much as possible' life-threatening plastic and non-biodegradable waste and create awareness among the locals and the tourists from the one and only coral island in Bangladesh - St. Martin. The event was organized by the largest non-profit travelers community of Bangladesh, Travelers of Bangladesh (ToB). Those who aided and believed in us, those who helped and guided us, those who supported us, the organizers, the community and my fellow volunteers - you are the ones who make Bangladesh great! Although, I am really excited to be a part of this initiative but what saddens me is the amount of waste we were able to find -122 sacks full of plastic and non-biodegrada...