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The Valleys of Kashmir

It was a sunny day when we began our journey towards the valleys of Kashmir. Though it rained heavily the night before, there was no sign of it in the morning. Despite the wet raod, nobody would believe it rained few hours ago. Everything was glimmering. One of the most beautiful things in the world is the glimmering smiles of people. And Kashmir had plenty of it to welcome us.
As we went near to Pahalgam, the sky started to darken a bit and by the time we reached Betaab Valley, it started to rain a little. But it really wasn't a bad thing. The mood was different and I enjoyed it.
It was a pleasing rain for me when I was roaming here and there at Betaab Valley. You could see the fog, flying around the green mountains. The place wasn't that crowded as one might think. We went there somewhat early to avoid the crowd. It tends to get really crowded after midday. And too much crowd is not favorable to completely enjoy places like this. One must have artificial noise reduced. It ruins the mood and the environment.

This place is like a huge park with seats available to sit-down. It has mountains surrounding it. Also the famous Lidder river flows around it. You can see horses running around in the mountain slopes. That's a sight! Imagine, you are sitting down in the park, looking towards a half white mountain and suddenly, you see 3-4 horses running wild in the mountain slopes. It will look like they are flying! And the freedom and their happiness, all at once can be felt, right then and there!

To go to this amazing place, you can hire a four wheeler car from Srinagar. Now there's something you need to remember. There are mainly 3 tourist sights you can go to from Srinagar. One is Pahalgam, then, Gulmarg and then Shonmarg. It will take one whole day to visit one of these places. So if you are planning to visit Pahalgam, that day you will only be able to visit Pahalgam, you won't be able to visit the other two. This is because of the distance and there's no shortcuts. You have to go via Srinagar every-time. So it is suggested that you plan your trip keeping that in mind because time is a very important thing when you are on the road!


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